Decentralized Voting Made Simple

A robust, open-source platform for onchain voting, Tally Zero ensures accessibility and transparency, leveraging React and IPFS for true decentralization.

Take a look at the features

Features of Tally Zero

Tally Zero is a decentralized governance platform that offers a range of features to enable secure, transparent, and decentralized voting on blockchain proposals.

Decentralized Voting

Secure, transparent voting on blockchain proposals.

Wallet Integration

Easy connection with digital wallets for authentication.

IPFS Deployment

Hosted on IPFS for enhanced decentralization.

Proposal Browsing and Voting

Browse and vote on proposals effortlessly.

Cross-Chain Support

Works across multiple blockchains for broad accessibility.

Open Source

Community-driven development and improvement.

Tally Zero offers multi-chain support, IPFS deployment, and wallet integration.

How to use Tally Zero

Three Easy Steps to Get Started

Tally Zero is designed to be simple and easy to use. Here's how it works.

Connect Your Wallet

Start by securely connecting your digital wallet.

Connect your digital wallet to Tally Zero to access and interact with governance contracts. Ensure your wallet is compatible and has the necessary funds for transaction fees.

How it works image

Select a Governance Contract

Choose the contract you wish to interact with.

Browse through available governance contracts or enter a specific contract address. Review the contract details and select the one you wish to vote on.

How it works image

Cast Your Vote

Make your voice heard by casting your vote on proposals.

After selecting a contract, view open proposals and cast your vote on the ones that align with your views. Confirm your vote through your digital wallet to ensure it's counted.

How it works image

Proudly Open Source

Tally Zero is an open-source project, and we are proud to share our code
The code is available on GitHub.